63 x 63 Color Outside the Lines, Bear Paw + Sawtooth Star Blocks |
Happy Friday, y'all! I have a quilt finish to share with you today! I finally put the last hand stitches into the binding of my Color Outside the Lines quilt last night, wrapping up a languishing WIP (Work In Progress) that I started way back in 2014. Woo-hoo!
I Hope You Appreciate the Azaleas... |
I goaded my grouchy and reluctant husband into driving around with me to find a photo location with azaleas in the exact shade of pink as the hand dyed fabric patches in the ...
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added by Rebecca Grace 3 years, 10 months ago.
anna maria horner
bear paw
color outside the lines
graffiti quilting
long arm quilting
machine quilting
paint me a story
quilt backing
sawtooth star